Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Cattle Class"... a class apart..

I just wanted to write something on this issue.. and so here is my two pints on the whole drama splashed across newspapers:

Well.. cattle class is a very innovative term and seems to be multivariate in nature i.e. it can have multiple meanings in different contexts. Like, it could refer to economy class of travel in some contexts or, in others, it could refer to inhumane, unhygienic travel conditions.. however, my creative brain takes me to another level while putting this versatile word in a new context - the context of my immediate external environment.

I would like to see cattle class as a class of people that act like a class of cattle! Now, you might wonder where that comes from.. well then what would you say to these:

1) In the middle of a class you would hear strange bird sounds , specially when a lecture is boring.. as if the cattle are revolting to the boredom being inflicted on them.

2) Certain bovine characters chew while they walk, talk, read, sleep, sit or even eat in class

3) We have nick named ourselves as cash cows, fat cows etc

4) We religiously follow "herd mentality" .. its a cult here

5) We collect money and run away with it (more like chara ghotala)

6) When a teacher raises a question to the class... we look at him all doe-eyed.. as if we only understand "moos" and "mews" and hve no clue whatsoever, of the subject of discussion

This is what you call a true "CATTLE CLASS" ... a class apart!!


MaNi said...

Lol.. U forgot to mention the cow dung stink which keeps cropping every now and then in the class.

Nice one... moooo (shaking head both ways as a mark of approval)

Tarang said...

Hope this moooooo sound more than compensates for the "loss of sound in sumones world"....btw its a gr8 concept.....

shounock said...

i have realised after reading the post i should not come up with my blog which i have been planning for ages lest it be considered as "herd" mentality .. this post is remarkable for its sheer entertainment value.. the more you keep posting i will delay my plans of floating a blog ..

Johns said...

Ah!!! finally i found an interesting blog. I was fed up with some other fellow cattle blogs. So when i saw the status message, i thought it's going to be just another boring stuff... I'm sooo glad i clicked on that link even after reading soo many disappointing clogs( a cattle blog :P) in the past.

Anshika said...

BRILLIANT!!!! absolute out-of-the-box rock :)