Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blogathon Day 3: Weather report one day too late

Yesterday, the prompt for the day was weather. Being a rain child or a hot bird. To be honest I like all weathers, as long as they fall on weekends. Just to make things clear, my weekends are Friday and Saturday. The flip side is that I have to work on Sundays, but on the bright side, the Monday blues don’t exist!

So anyway, yesterday being a weekend day, was my favourite weather. I started the day with sleeping in late. The rest of the activity for the day was adjourned for the next day. Including this post, which is one day too late. The weekend weather is called Procastinter. Its awsome, intermittent and often made more enjoyable during overcast skies, and heavy showers.

Procastinter can be enjoyed on a hot sunny afternoon drinking chilled long island tea in front of your television, or on a chilly snowy winter morning, slipping under covers and eating garam moongphalis, or in your balcony on a pouring moonsoon evening, sitting on your plastic chair, touching rain water with your toes and eating Rocky road pastry.

I spent mine eating a healthy portion of this grilled bell peppers and pasta salad on my couch in the balcony with sweet winter sunshine, and some white wine.

Sad the procastinter is getting over in a few hours for me. Ah.. procastinter, come back soon again!

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